Party Bike Factory
Although our commercial network is focused in the United States our factory and headquarters is located in Canals, Valencia (Spain). From our facilities we manufacture and distribute over the world.
We can manufacture one bike per week in our factory.
Most of the pieces of our products are manufactured in our own factory, other pieces are entrusted to other specialized companies.
You can find some pictures of the manufacturing process of our Party Bikes so you can see the different steps from the moment that we have the pieces until we finish the Party Bike.
100% of the pieces of the Party Bike are manufactured in Europe, and most of them in Spain.
Visit us!
We can pick you up from Valencia airport or from your hotel and bring you to our factory where you can meet all our team and see all the manufacturing process while we solve all your questions.
Contact us to plan a visit, write us with advance in order to plan the meeting at